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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Splinter Cell System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2003-02-26 23:45:14 Views : 61250 Cheat mode: Press [F2] to display the console window, then type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Press [Tab] instead of [F2] in the demo version of the game.
Item names: Use one of the following entries with the summon code. echeloningredient.disposablepick echeloningredient.ef2000 echeloningredient.estickycamera echeloningredient.estickyshocker echeloningredient.esmokegrenade echeloningredient.efraggrenade echeloningredient.elockpick echeloningredient.ediversioncamera echeloningredient.ewallmine echeloningredient.echemflare echeloningredient.eflare echeloningredient.elasermic echeloningredient.ecamerajammer echeloningredient.eringairfoilround echeloningredient.erappellingobject echeloningredient.medkit Keypad codes: Mission 1 - Police Station Keypad 1: 091772 Keypad 2: 5929 Mission 4 - CIA HQ Keypad 1: 7687 Keypad 2: 110598 Keypad 3: 2019 Keypad 4: 110700 Keypad 5: 0614 (if Dougherty gets through the door before you can) Mission 5 - Kalinatek Keypad 1: 97531 Keypad 2: 33575 Keypad 3: 1250 Mission 8 - Chinese Embassy, Part II Keypad 1: 1436 Keypad 2: 9753 Keypad 3: 1456 Keypad 4: 1834 Keypad 5: 7921 Mission 9 - Presidential Palace Keypad 1: 2126 Keypad 2: 70021 Keypad 3: 66768 Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Splinter Cell cheat codes.
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